Wednesday, April 23, 2014

87 Clockers, Club3D RoyalQueen Series R7 260X, R9 270X, R9 280X

Guess I'm kinda into PC these days, since I don't have my Xbox360 anymore. So I watched a lot of these videos about them especially from Linux (The guy in the video), he really teach me a lot.
Go watch the other videos of him if you're interested.

By the way, the video above is about Club3D Graphics Card. Really I never heard that brand before.

That also brings to the 87 Clockers. A manga about PC overclocking. Well it's kinda mix of shoujo manga since it is from the same mangaka as Nodame Cantabille.

She's just like me, staring into boxes of PC parts.
English translation is only up to chapter 9 for now. I really like this manga because part of me is in there, a PC enthusiast. Although I'm not that rich to go buy a RM2000 graphics card.

If you're PC fan (no pun intended), read this manga. There's a some romantic moments in it too which makes it more interesting. Because we nerds are single forever...We need imagination.

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